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članarina 2023

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CIAO potopljen v Indijskem Oceanu...!!!!!!

Ma kaj mi je težko pisati to novico ... posredujem Srečotov mail:

...sedim na Dreamcatcherju in skušam pisati, pa ne morem. A MORAM!

Ciao je včeraj potonila, vdor vode pri krmilu.
Reševala sva jo šest ur, potem sva morala odnehat.
Sva OK, kolikor sva pač lahko.






CIAO position:

latitude 12º 06´S

longitude 096º 53´E

altitude - 4000 m





Double-Handed Crew Rescued In Indian Ocean

The crew of yacht Ciao, Slovenian cruisers Srecko and Olga Pust, were

safely evacuated to another yacht early this morning (Tuesday 25

September) following a collision with a submerged object in the Indian


The yacht, which was sailing with the World ARC rally from Indonesia

to the Australian Cocos (Keeling) Islands, struck a submerged object

approximately 40nm ENE of the Cocos (Keeling) group at around midnight

UT today. The collision damaged the rudder of the US flagged Sweden

Yacht 45, causing significant water ingress.

A PAN-PAN call was picked up by other World ARC yachts in the area,

and yachts J'Sea, Spirit of Alcides and Umineko were standing by Ciao

just after 0100UT.

At 0430UT Srecko reported that the water inside the boat was now over

the level of the floorboards and at 0445UT the tow line was dropped

with Sreco and Olga still on board Ciao and the expectation that they

would abandon to a dinghy or liferaft at the last moment.

Sadly Ciao could not be saved and when the foredeck touched the water,

Srecko and Olga evacuated from their yacht and transferred safely to

Spirit of Alcides. All yachts involved in assisting Ciao are now

making their way to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, where they are

expected to arrive later today.

World ARC rally control in Cocos Keeling were able to inform the

Australian Coastguard (RCC Canberra) via the Cocos Keeling police post

soon after the PAN-PAN alert was issued, passing on details of the

yacht's position relayed by the Yellowbrick Iridium tracking devices

carried by each rally yacht. The intra-yacht SSB radio net also

enabled swift communication between all rally boats on the passage.



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18.2.2016 19:28:00, 1:


18.2.2016 19:27:59, 1:


18.2.2016 19:27:58, 1:


18.2.2016 19:27:58, -1':


27.9.2012 13:18:11, Marko:

Srečotov opis dogajanja: http://blog.mailasail.com/issa/218

26.9.2012 21:04:49, nalim:

mokre sanje, srečko si že kaj potopil v svojem življenju, se spomniš, srečno Olga

26.9.2012 17:07:57, Popaj:

želim jima srečno vrnitev domov, še enkrat jepotrjeno, da je morje velika luža in nepredvidlivo tam tudi najboljša tehnika lahko odpove. hvala Bogu Tokrat se je izšlo . eneGa namreč še vedno pogrešamo..-lunitik.

26.9.2012 10:14:27, Lojze V.:

Kako mala je verjetnost, da se kaj takega zgodi, pa vendar se dogaja. Ne znam si predstavljati občutka, ko si na potapljajoči ladji, verjamem pa, da je to nekaj groznega, šokantnega. Jaooooooo...

26.9.2012 10:08:02, Andrej:

Srečo, če lahko kaj pomagamo, sporoči.

26.9.2012 10:06:07, Andrej:

Ni besed. Morda le: Po Ciao-u Ciao. Sanje trajajo!

26.9.2012 09:48:20, dare:

ouu, šok!

26.9.2012 09:11:36, Predsednik:

Zastal mi je dih ob novici... V imenu kluba sočustvujem ob izgubi plovila, ki je predstavljal drugi dom za uresničevanje vajinih sanj.

26.9.2012 08:56:48, Gregor in Ksenija:

Draga Srečo in Olga! Težko nama je za popizdit ob teh novicah.... Ciao je večen, Ciao je in bo legenda, tudi v najinih srcih!